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Text File | 1995-06-19 | 28.3 KB | 526 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#118/Nisus_Details
- =========================
- The 3rd part of our three-part review of Nisus.
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For more information send email to info@tidbits.halcyon.com or
- ace@tidbits.halcyon.com -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- More Bells
- A Miscellany of Nits
- Nisus Conclusions
- Nisus Details
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-118.hqx; 29K]
- More Bells
- ----------
- If you want just one or two side-by-side paragraphs, or a short
- stretch of material in a different columnization from your
- document, you can have it, provided it does not involve run-over
- to a second page: the Paragon people have gone to the elaborate
- trouble of building a Place Page facility into the program. This
- means that you can attach to a page an image of another document.
- Double-clicking this image opens the other document itself for
- editing, and any changes made to the other document are reflected
- in your image of it. The image can be placed as a graphic, which
- means you can put it virtually anywhere on the page (with no
- deterioration in font quality). You can even play graphic tricks
- with it: have it appear upside down or sideways, and so on (though
- these do cause deterioration of font quality, at least on my
- StyleWriter). This is no substitute for real side-by-side
- paragraphs, or real change of columnization, and in my view it
- uses a bazooka to kill a gnat - if something this powerful and
- elaborate could be built in, why not just plain ordinary table-
- making? - but for what it does, it works beautifully, is easy to
- use, and has no noticeable disadvantages. (It's true that every
- Placed paragraph represents a file on disk of at least 3 or 4K,
- and that if you move that file you lose your link to it, but I
- don't regard this as much of a price to pay.)
- Nisus comes with a black-and-white graphic drawing facility, so
- you can make rudimentary PICT structures from within Nisus, or
- import and edit them; you can import bit-mapped graphics, of
- course, but they will remain uneditable bitmaps. A graphic is
- considered to live on the "graphics sheet" or the "text sheet." A
- graphic in the text sheet functions as a character in the stream
- of characters (this is good for fancy initial majuscules, for
- example), while a graphic in the graphics sheet is an independent
- entity: text can be made to flow around it or just cross right
- over top of it, and the graphic can be associated with a
- particular location on a particular page, or with a particular
- return-character. As most users probably own a more powerful
- graphics program (for example, in Nisus rotation must be through a
- multiple of 90), the graphics facility may not prove much of an
- attraction; the versatile interaction between graphics and text
- may prove valuable to some users, though, and Nisus does just fine
- for the occasional box or for creating graphical text blocks and
- dragging them around on the page for rudimentary layout.
- Adam adds that although Word 5.0 added a graphics module it has
- some bugs, and in true Microsoft style, it is a separate window,
- which makes it just about useless for creating graphics while
- visually interacting with the text. You can't move Word graphics
- around on the page without using the Frame command and going into
- Print Preview or a dialog box. So Nisus's graphics may not be
- Canvas, but they're decent and well-implemented.
- Cross-referencing is provided. If you attach a marker to text, you
- can then cause a number to appear elsewhere in your document which
- is the page number, line number, paragraph number, or actual
- content of the marked text. This number is updated automatically.
- However, there is no way to make visible the fact that text is
- marked, so you can easily delete or in some other way munge your
- marker without knowing it. You cannot find out the name of the
- marker that a cross-reference references; hence you cannot jump to
- the referenced text. Even worse, your marker and your cross
- reference to it have to be in the same document, but since Nisus
- provides no facilities for dividing your document into sections,
- you won't be able to maintain cross-referencing over a long
- document if it is to have any sections. For example, if you're
- writing a book, then if you have a section (such as a Preface)
- that involves a different style of page-numbering from the rest of
- the document (say, it uses Roman numerals), then you won't be able
- to include it as part of the whole book, because a Nisus document,
- having no sections, can only involve one style of page-numbering.
- And so you can't cross-reference between the Preface and the rest
- of the book. Since a fairly common thing to do in a Preface is
- refer to other parts of the book, this is a pretty stupid state of
- affairs. Furthermore, cross-referencing does not recognize
- footnote numbers - you can cross-reference to a footnote, all
- right, but you can't obtain the footnote number as part of the
- reference. So you can't say, "See p. 58, n. 7." But since this is
- the kind of thing I need to say all the time, Nisus's cross-
- referencing doesn't do me much good. Considering the fact that
- Word has absolutely no cross-referencing features at all though,
- Nisus will still be more useful than Word, especially at the more
- simple cross-referencing tasks.
- There is a Table of Contents facility. You mark the text that you
- wish included in the table of contents; such marking can be made
- visible. When you are ready, you use Make Contents to create a
- rudimentary document consisting of text followed by page numbers.
- The text loses all styling, and every entry looks the same. You
- will have to play with the look of this document before you can
- use it, so the lack of support for automatic hierarchical contents
- may not be of any great concern.
- The Indexing facility is more flexible. You can either mark text
- for direct inclusion in the index, or mark the text and associate
- it with the phrase that you wish entered in the index (so that
- stretches of text can be referenced by the subject they discuss).
- At the same time you can also designate a heading to be added to a
- "See Also" list that will appear at the end of the index entry. If
- you wish to reference one stretch of text under more than one
- index entry, though, you have to resort to trickery; the manual
- suggests you enter the index headings right into your text, mark
- them for indexing, and then make them invisible. The find-and-
- replace facilities "know" about indexing; you can automatically
- find for particular words and index them under particular entries,
- find for text already marked under particular headings, and so
- forth (you could even index every word in the document if you
- wanted). Finally, as with the Table of Contents, when your text is
- marked as you want it, a single command generates your index.
- Disappointingly, however, you can only have two levels of
- indexing; worse, you cannot index text in footnotes at all (which
- is ridiculous, since most of what I want indexed is probably in
- the notes). Nevertheless, if you are willing to plan ahead and to
- add a goodly quantity of manual labour at the end, you will find
- that the indexing facility generates a very decent basis for
- composing your index.
- You can automate powerfully the marking-up of your document both
- for indexing and for table of contents. A User-Defined Style can
- include a Table of Contents designation that will cause text
- marked with it to be collected when the table of contents is
- built; by marking text with several different Styles (not
- necessarily with any visible effect), you can mark for several
- different tables of contents, collecting each separately by
- turning on the Table of Contents option for just one Style at a
- time. The same is true for indexing, so you could create multiple
- indexes this way; but you can do this only if you want the text
- from the document used directly as the index entry. More likely
- you would build multiple indexes by using the Find/Replace
- facility (perhaps with the help of Colors or Styles) and marking
- up your whole document for one index, building it, then unmarking
- it and marking it up for a different index.
- There is a Sort command, but it is very rudimentary; the only
- thing you can sort by is paragraph-start. The sort knows the
- difference between words and numbers, and will separate paragraphs
- that start with words from those that start with numbers. You can
- also force an ASCII-order sort. But the sort is not font-
- sensitive, and there is no way to tell it that you might be using
- a different alphabet.
- The current date and time can be inserted in the document. They
- are not automatically updated, which can be a good thing; if you
- want them updated, you can either cause it to be done yourself
- with a menu command, or set a preference that causes it to be done
- just before every Print. A few formats are provided for the date,
- but not enough; fortunately the date format responds to your
- setting in the System's "itl1" resource, so you can make up for
- this to some extent.
- Nisus comes with the usual mail merge facilities. It is no harder
- to use than any other mail merge facilities I know about, and
- seems to be very full-featured (it has conditionals, Include,
- prompting, and so on). Word 5.0's mail merge was significantly
- improved from Word 4.0, but according to the people at Macworld
- Australia, who swear by Nisus, Nisus's mail merge is cleaner than
- Word's mail merge.
- A line-numbering feature is included, but I can't imagine what
- it's good for. You cannot pick a stretch of lines to be numbered:
- you can only number the whole document, by page or in full. And
- you don't get much control over where the numbers are to appear.
- There is an automatic parenthesis checker, to make sure your
- parentheses are balanced. I find this sort of useless because even
- though it is somewhat configurable it doesn't take account of the
- fact that the code for parenthesis delimiters may differ for
- different fonts, and so if I'm using any Greek it gets the answer
- wrong.
- Spell-checking is included. I've never seen a spell-checker I
- liked and this one doesn't change my mind. I am told that the User
- Dictionary is limited to about 3000 words, although this has not
- proved to be a serious problem in normal use. Paragon also has
- foreign language dictionaries available, though I've never used
- them and can't comment on how well they work. The spell-checker
- has some bugs: it highlights words with punctuation within them
- (such as apostrophe) incorrectly, so they can't be replaced or
- corrected properly, and if the checker asks you about a word and
- you tell it to Ignore other occurrences of that word, it sometimes
- fails to do so. Adam contends that Nisus's spell-checker is very
- fast, much faster than Word's for instance, and is more full
- featured than most. For instance, Nisus has a built-in Ignore
- Spelling style, and when you click the Ignore button, that word
- will be ignored for the rest of that document's life (or is
- supposed to be; bugs remain), an incredibly useful feature in
- comparison to word processors that can only skip words or add them
- to the dictionary. Adding words to the User Dictionary is easy,
- but removing them is a slow and tedious task if you have any
- number in there. Luckily Paragon ships some macros with Nisus that
- can export a User Dictionary and import a list of words into a
- User Dictionary, so you can fix the list and then let it import at
- its leisure.
- A thesaurus is included; it too is about as mediocre as these
- on-line thesauruses usually are, and of course you can't modify it
- in any way, but on occasion it can be helpful if you like
- thesauruses.
- There is automated hyphenation, but it never prompts you for help
- with a word, it just goes ahead and hyphenates: you cannot set how
- much of a word you think needs to be washing over the margin
- before hyphenation should be invoked, or correct Nisus's
- hyphenation of a word as it sets it. Since I don't think any
- machine knows better than I do how I want words hyphenated, I
- never use this feature.
- The glossary facility is good. You can create multiple glossaries
- (though only one can be loaded at a time), and glossary files are
- themselves editable. A glossary entry may include character
- styling attributes, or can be set to take on the attributes of
- surrounding text. Even a graphic can be a glossary entry. You
- cause a glossary entry to go into your text just by typing an
- abbreviation; you can then cause the actual text to be substituted
- for the abbreviation immediately, by a menu command, or later on,
- by selecting text and ordering all abbreviations within the
- selection to be expanded to their equivalents.
- A Get Info command obtains such data about your document as the
- number of pages, paragraphs, lines, words, and characters; also
- included are the average and maximum length of sentences, and
- something called Flesch Reading Ease and Resulting Reading Grade
- Level. You'll be happy to know you're mastering a grade 16
- document here, whatever that may mean. But do you really believe
- the average length of a word in this review is 4? Other word
- processors either don't reveal this information or, like Word 5.0,
- make you jump through hoops to get it.
- A number of interesting preferences can be set. You can have
- backup and autosave of documents. The autosave, which is regulated
- by number of characters typed (though one would like a combination
- of that and time and actions, since you don't type much when
- making a lot of editing changes), can save the original file, a
- .bak file, and even a copy of the original file to another
- location of the hard drive. Under System 7 there is a clever trick
- to make Nisus save its secondary documents in the Trash, where
- they'll stay until you consciously delete them: you boot under
- System 6, select the Trash folder for the secondary save, and then
- save the preferences. When you reboot under System 7 again, Nisus
- will stuff those secondary files in the Trash where they'll sit
- until you throw them out or until you lose an original file. No
- other program except WordPerfect lets you do this, but it's the
- ultimate backup technique. The whole autosave milieu is a lot
- better than Word 5.0 with its auto-reminder that pops up every few
- minutes and asks you if you want to save. "Of course I want to
- save, you idiot program!"
- You can set the size of the Undo list (important if you are
- running short of memory). You can supposedly regulate the maximum
- scroll speed for when you hold down a scroll-arrow but I think
- this is broken; I couldn't get the actual speed to rise above
- about 6 lines at a time. Adam also especially appreciates the Auto
- Indent preference. With this turned on, if you indent a line with
- a tab or a few spaces and hit <return>, Nisus will automatically
- indent the next line by the same tab or number of spaces. If
- you're typing in a list of things, Auto Indent is invaluable. If
- you want to avoid extra spaces, Nisus can also remove leading and
- trailing blanks as you type, but Adam admits he finds this a tad
- disconcerting.
- Nisus page headers and footers work in a simple and powerful way.
- A header (or footer) is considered to be "attached" to a paragraph
- of the document (actually to the Return at the end of it), and it
- affects pages only after that paragraph appears, supplanting any
- earlier header. This means that as part of the act of creating a
- section heading you could attach a header to the section heading;
- the header on each page would then reflect the current topic. A
- given header or footer can be set to appear on all pages, even
- pages, or odd pages. A minor thing that I dislike is that headers
- and footers are regarded as inviolate separate regions of the
- page; they cannot infringe vertically upon the main text, meaning
- that they are useless for achieving certain layout effects.
- Printing in Nisus is remarkably good. The Page Setup dialog lets
- you dictate a completely custom paper size. The Print dialog lets
- you print just the odd or even pages, thus making double-sided
- printing easy, unlike even Word 5.0. Further, the Page Layout
- window, in addition to extremely flexible facilities for setting
- or changing the document margins (including a gutter so that the
- look of left and right pages can mirror each other), includes a
- Two-Up option which permits two pages to appear on one sheet of
- paper, automatically rearranging the page order at print time so
- that if you print on both sides of the paper you will end up with
- sheets that you can staple in the middle to make a booklet. (You
- can also cause a frame to appear around every page of a document,
- but it can only be very rudimentary, and you have only rudimentary
- control over what it will look like.) If you wish, you can even
- set a preference so that Nisus prints Last to First.
- A Miscellany of Nits
- --------------------
- I have said nothing up to now about the manual. I'll try to be
- brief about this: Unless it has been heavily rewritten since the
- version that came with Nisus 3.01, the manual is frankly bad.
- Inconsistencies and errors abound. On one page an option in the
- find/replace syntax is described as finding any character that is
- "not alphabetic, nor diacritical, nor underscore" when in fact it
- does find underscores; there are about ten more such errors on
- that page, which I had to straighten out by trial and error.
- Explanations are frequently written in a weird, substandard
- English. Paragon seems to need an academic professional both to
- advise it on features for Nisus and to rewrite the manual. Say,
- guys, for a small consulting fee At least Paragon ships a couple
- of small reference booklets to the macro and programming commands,
- so you don't really have to use the manual much.
- [Adam: We'd like to be able to say that the online help is great,
- but it's really clumsy. Actually, the online help and the manual
- suffer from the same problem - they were both done entirely in
- Nisus. Nisus is just not a serious publishing tool. Do you think
- Microsoft completely does their manuals in Word? Not a chance -
- for one thing it doesn't do color separations or page impositions.
- You write a manual in Nisus or Word and then import it into a real
- page layout program for layout and printing. Same thing goes with
- the online help. Sure Nisus can do it with a little funky
- programming, but I'd far rather have a slick custom-programmed (or
- even HyperCard) help facility. I admire Paragon for using Nisus
- for everything, but in this case, I'd recommend that they go to a
- good graphic designer for the manual and whip up a clever help
- facility in their spare time. Matt didn't mention this, but he
- whipped up an electronic cheat sheet for a lot of the more obscure
- commands in Nisus along with the syntax and options for the
- Find/Replace functions. It's terribly useful little DA - Matt used
- Bill Steinberg's Text DA - and one which I consider invaluable if
- you're using macros in particular.]
- When you start up Nisus it takes a full 30 seconds (on my LC) from
- double-clicking the application or a document until it is ready to
- work. I wouldn't describe this as unconscionably long, but it
- certainly does mean that when I have something I just want to jot
- down quickly, or a large text-only document that I just want to
- look into quickly, I reach for Microsoft Word (or I used to: now
- Word 5.0 is slow as well). What can these programs be doing all
- that while?
- Nisus is a mighty hog of CPU time when in the foreground, and can
- even slow things down a bit when in the background because its
- windows can be a mite slow to redraw. It can also be a mighty RAM
- hog; your whole document and anything else that has to be open
- during a project must be in memory all at once, for there is no
- facility for chaining small documents together. But of course this
- is only true if you want to work on lots of documents at once or
- on very large documents; and as Adam points out, considering the
- amount of memory that Word 5.0 wants and needs, Nisus no longer
- looks like such a RAM hog with its 700K minimum request. Perhaps
- one should call Nisus a RAM snob; if you need to use cross-
- referencing, you're only going to write a book with Nisus if
- you've got the money to buy the RAM to hold the whole thing.
- Nisus Conclusions
- -----------------
- Adam and I each get a separate say here, since our differing uses
- for a computer give us differing orientations on Nisus (though we
- are in agreement over the details of Nisus's strengths and
- weaknesses).
- [Matt] For large documents with layout needs such as tables, Nisus
- cannot compete with Word. But it is perfect for what I bought it
- for: conversion of documents from other formats into Mac format.
- On the other hand one would rather compose the basic text of a
- document in Nisus than in any other word processor I know. In
- fact, Nisus's find-and-replace and macro facilities are so handy
- and powerful, and its Rulers and Styles so convenient, that one is
- actually tempted to use it also as a sort of front end for
- Microsoft Word: Nisus can read Microsoft Word files with some
- small loss of information, and (surprisingly) can write files as
- Microsoft Word 3.0, again with some loss of information. (It can
- also read MacWrite I files and carry formatted text across to
- MacWrite via the clipboard.) It can actually be worth the slight
- loss of information across the boundaries to convert a document
- from Word into Nisus, edit it, and convert it back again.
- [Adam] Since I don't create formal documents as Matt does, I don't
- use Word at all. In the past I used Word occasionally to convert
- those Fast-Saved documents that Nisus couldn't open. Now I don't
- even have to do that, because there is a completely undocumented
- feature in Nisus 3.06. If you have Claris's XTND translators
- installed and hold down the option key when opening a file, Nisus
- will open any document for which you have a translator. Since
- there is an XTND package available for anonymous FTP on
- ftp.apple.com, I recommend that anyone who has had to deal with
- different document formats in Nisus check it out. In addition, if
- your XTND translator has export capability (not all do, I gather)
- you can do an option-Save As to export a Nisus file to another
- file format using XTND!
- [Matt] But although I love Nisus's look-and-feel, and give its
- creators an A for effort in their rethinking of how a word
- processor can operate on the Mac, the point I keep returning to is
- that despite my genuine longing to use Nisus as my sole word
- processor of choice, I cannot. Things that I find constantly
- necessary that are easy in Word - the writing and appearance of
- footnotes, placing paragraphs in complex ways, tables and side-by-
- side paragraphs - are clumsy, difficult, or downright impossible
- in Nisus. These things won't change until Paragon recognizes the
- problems and makes time to fix them, something which can be
- difficult for a small company that provides at least seven
- different language versions of its software. Those of us who want
- a word processor with the features needed to write a book without
- the expense of a full page-layout program are going to have to go
- on, for better or for worse, riding a different train. But don't
- forget: I wouldn't be writing these words if I didn't love so much
- about Nisus as to wish fervently that it _would_ fix its tables
- and footnotes and beat the pants off the Microsoft juggernaut.
- [Adam] Here's where Matt and I differ most strongly. I agree the
- footnote facilities could be lots better, and there are some
- quirks with the way styles and rulers interact at times, but when
- it comes right down to it those are document processing and page
- layout features. I feel that Paragon added those features to
- compete in the advertising check box wars with Word, not because
- they wanted to make Nisus into a serious page layout tool. Nisus
- is and always has been a text processor, not an document
- processing tool.
- The Mac helped break down the classical division between writers
- and printers, and that was good, but it doesn't mean that the
- division should be taken to the extreme so that every writer must
- also be a graphic designer and a printer. For those that dabble in
- it, like me, Nisus will do a little page layout and I find that I
- can use the graphics feature solely for my graphics needs. True
- designers seldom use anything less powerful than PageMaker or
- Quark XPress or FrameMaker for good reason - today's do-it-all
- word processors can't compare. However, if you need to produce
- formal documents and need sophisticated text entry and
- manipulation features, no one program can do that right now.
- Perhaps you should use Nisus as a front-end to Word, as Matt is
- tempted to do, or perhaps you should use Nisus along with
- FrameMaker, although that's more time and money than you may want
- to invest in the final document. Nisus just won't do it all now -
- so send your suggestions to Paragon. But should Nisus do it all?
- I applaud Paragon's unique approach in writing a program that is
- not just another word processor because a large portion of the
- time spent creating any document must perforce be spent writing
- it. We _need_ better writing tools and Paragon has provided that.
- I'm even willing to jump to the other side of the fence and
- suggest that they should strip out the graphics and the Place Page
- feature and all those things that are merely lip service to the
- great god of desktop publishing. Rulers and styles can stay,
- because although you'd think they are only for formatting a
- document for printing, they do have plenty of other uses in
- manipulating and editing text that are not initially obvious.
- [Matt: And in a way I agree; my whole point is that Paragon should
- either make its bells and whistles fully useful or eliminate them
- altogether.] I'm sure that Paragon is considering these comments
- and those from other users seriously and will deal with many of
- them in future versions of Nisus, although I have no idea when we
- might see that next version.
- Nisus's true calling will come when Nisus XS, the module for 3.06
- that will enable full AppleEvents and interapplication
- communication, ships sometime this spring. What I'd like to see is
- all those programs that require sometime significant amounts of
- text editing, QuickMail, uAccess, FileMaker, PageMaker, etc., all
- link to Nisus's text editing and manipulation tools so we can have
- an advanced writing environment no matter where we're writing. Too
- many programs use Apple's limited TextEdit routines. Let's face
- it, Nisus stands no chance of taking over the word processing
- market from Word, but it would be an incredible coup if suddenly
- all the major programs could link to Nisus and use its full power
- in whatever context made sense. I congratulate Paragon on
- providing a program that stands out, a program with a difference,
- and I encourage them to continue on their unique and often
- misunderstood path.
- Nisus Details
- -------------
- Nisus 3.06
- Paragon Concepts
- 990 Highland Dr., Suite 312
- Solana Beach CA 92075
- 800/922-2993
- 619/481-1477
- jon@weber.ucsd.edu
- 75300.1243@compuserve.com
- D0405@applelink.apple.com
- Price and Availability:
- Nisus is readily available from most mail order houses for
- approximately $250. Educational discounts for $99 are available
- directly from Paragon, and sidegrade offers may also be available
- directly from Paragon if you already own another word processor.
- Contact Paragon for more information.
- ..
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